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Our Mission:


Our mission is to provide our community with the opportunity to grow and eat healthy food, fresh from the garden. 


Our Vision:



Our vision is to have friends and family experiencing community together; whose efforts in digging, growing, and eating home-grown produce create a ripple effect which benefits not only family and friends, but the entire community.

About Our Garden:
This is the inaugural year for our garden. In the words of Plato, "The beginning is the most important part of the work." We believe that too! Nothing starts out in a perfectly beautiful state, and our garden is no exception. We are excited to put in the work to make this a beautiful place for families to grow food and friendships. We are excited for all that is in store for this garden and this community.

Our Goals:

  • Create a volunteer-tended garden that supplies local food shelters.

  • Offer plots for families to grow their own food.

  • Support local farmers by hosting a farmer's market.

  • Encourage and educate regarding composting, recycling, and smart water use (via rain barrels and well water pumps).

  • Make our garden a beautiful place.

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